TARGET NO. 0041924



SERIAL 16522-29

TARGET NO. 0041924

TARGET NAME: Stagstorm
KNOWN APPEARANCE: "Bulky brown tabby tom with deep amber eyes and single eye scar."
OCUPATAION: Serial Killer turned Warrior


FILE: 16522-29
PERSONALITY: Murderer turned Warrior is not a common story in Windclan. The tom has been with the Clan for the past 30 moons, he was earned wisdom from those around them. Stagstorm isn't the quiet kind, he is the opposite. Loud and proud. If he disagrees with your opinion and thinks it's dumb, they will say as such. He is brass, lacking empathy over the constant treatment of Windclan. He is bitter towards the other Clans as a result as well. But the tom is able to put it towards the quiet corner of his mind for the diplomatic relations.
RELATIONSHIP WITHIN THE CLAN: This lad isn't the most friendly but he is wishing to branch out of this "act" he puts on. They don't care for the Clans opinion on themself and he thinks it's one of their better traits, after the blood thirst of course.
OUTLOOK ON CURRENT LEADERSHIP: Stagstorm isn't normally a big fan of the laidback care free former Windclan and so he is enjoying the more direct (and blood filled) approach that Twilightstar has taken over the last few moons. He supports all forms of revenge and murder, claws for claws and blood for blood.
MENTAL INSIGHT: He would never call himself evil or murderer with no motivations. They have plenty... Stagstorm doesn't think he is an example of greatness...he is Starclan themself. Stagstorm holds no regards for a cats age, they all are the enemy. Spawns of hell that must die. He rarely kills since joining Windclan...yet this path ahead may be bloodstained.
PUBLIC APPEARANCE: He doesn't look special, nothing of high value like Crowtooth and Leechscar. Stagstorm is usually alone, sleeping alone, no mate or kits, he is mainly seen eating alone, and traveling with one other at max if possible. But this doesn't stop him from his normally loud nature, he is harsh upon those he deems fit (anyone lower than him of course...) like Riverclan cats. He is nicer to their clanmates and lacks the anger when speaking to them. Stagstorm holds the reputation as a nice enough guy, able to complete his work and still maintain what little sanity they have left while putting on a front of charming and caring...far from what is he really is like and that side has been exposed once, and only once....